World Sound Matters is a fully-integrated anthology of music from around the world, the entire series comprising: 2 compact discs of 58 traditional music recordings (ED 12572), representing 35 different countries - notated transcriptions of each recorded example (ED 12571), and a teacher‰۪s book containing explanatory texts covering the special context of each style and its musical content , with 2 sets of progressive pupil listening-based questions for each musical style (ED 12460). Suitable for use at GCSE and A level. Each unit is free-standing and can be used effectively on its own. Alternatively, multiple units can be combined, in any order, to provide an Introduction to the musical traditions of the world.The music incorporated in World Sound Matters has been carefully selected and prepared by the author in consultation with other music specialists and professionals actively engaged in music education. Two aims have been paramount: on the one hand, readers need analyses of a wide range of musical traditions which are both authoritative and yet remain accessible to the non-specialist; on the other hand, the many musicians whose work appears on the sound recording deserve a thorough and sympathetic study which neither cheapens nor dilutes their artistry. The result is a publication which should be of practical use to a wide range of musicians, from secondary school teachers to their pupils, from adults interested in knowing more about world music to music students wishing to specialize in this field, and to composers. | ||
Content | ||
- Introduction - Japan: Gagaku Court Music - Japan: Music for Shakuhachi - Korea: Music for Komun'go - China: Music for Qin - China: Jiangnan Sizhu Ensemble Music - China: Chuanju Opera - China: Tibetan Ritual Music - Mongolia: Diphonic Singing - Vietnam: Music for Dan Tranh - Vietnam: Work Song - Laos: Music for Khaen - Indonesia: Javanese Dance-Opera - Indonesia: Balinese Music for Gamelan Gong Gede - Philippines: Palawan Love Song - Philippines: Music for Aruding - Solomon Islands: Rihe Panpipe Ensemble - Solomon Islands: Rope Female Chorus - Australia: Arnhem Land Aboriginal Music - India: Music for Vina - India: Music for Nagasvaram - India: Music for Pakhavaj - Iran: Art Music for Ensemble - Turkey: Taksim for Ney - Egypt: Quran Recitation - Egypt: Taqsim for Arghul - Egypt: Music for Folk Ensemble - Morocco: Nawha Music for Ensemble - Algeria: Music for Ghayta and Bendo - Mali: Griot Song - Ethiopia: Song with Masenqo - Ethiopia: Chorus - Central African Republic: Song with Sanza - Gabon: Yodelling Exercise - Burundi: Whispered Song - Burundi: Music for Ingoma - Burundi: Child's Song - Mozambique: Music for Timbila - Russia: Play Song - Armenia: Hymn - Armenia: Music for K'amancha - Georgia: Work Song 1 - Georgia: Work Song 2 - Romania: Professional Folk Music - Romania: Music for Cimpoi - Greece: Village Wedding Music - Greece: 1930s Folk Dance - Spain: Cante Flamenco - Portugal: Fado Urban Song - Norway: Music for Hardingfele - Norway: Lullaby - Canada: Inuit Throat-Singing - Canada: Imuit Solo Song - United States of America: Sioux Indian Song - United States of America: Texas Folk Song - Trinidad: Music for Steel Band - Colombia: Dance for Chirimia Ensemble - Colombia: Dance for Chirimia Ensemble - Colombia: Kuli Panpipe Ensemble - Brazil: Ritual Dance-Song Rehearsal |