All instruments need some level of regular servicing, and unfortunately often repairs are necessary. Some kinds of servicing can be done in the shop, but where more work is required we have a range of instrument repairers. Typically repairs on string instruments are done by us, and we have recommended repairers for woodwind and brass instruments.

If you repair instruments please get in touch to be added to our list of approved repairers. 

Some of the things we can do in store are:

  • Replace guitar, ukulele and violin strings
  • Guitar action adjustment
  • Upgrade / replace guitar machine heads
  • Setup violins / bridge replacement / re-position sound post (violins only)
  • Fix violin tuning pegs (whether too stiff or too loose)

We also offer a guitar service package, including a complete clean and setup of your guitar and a new set of strings. The cost of this service is:

  • £25 for 6-string guitars, Ukes and Banjos, and Bass guitars
  • £30 for 12-string guitars

Where a service shows other parts may be required, such as machine heads, nuts, bridges, pickups, etc. someone will call you to discuss the price for that work.

Please enquire in store, or by emailing us at

Are you a school teacher with a cupboard full of broken guitars or violins? Contact us to discuss a mass renovation where we can restore all the guitars to working order.


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