The 2018 movie musical sequel to the classic Disney film from 1964 features a top-notch team including Director Rob Marshall (Chicago), Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton) and music from Hairspray's award-winning songwriting team of Marc Shaiman & Scott Wittman. This folio includes new original songs from the soundtrack: Can You Imagine That - A Cover Is Not the Book - Nowhere to Go But Up - The Place Where Lost Things Go - The Royal Doulton Music Hall - Trip a Little Light Fantastic - Turning Turtle - and more. Includes an 8-page section of colour artwork from the film!
Can You Imagine That?
A Conversation
A Cover Is Not The Book
(Underneath The) Lovely London Sky
Nowhere To Go But Up
The Place Where Lost Things Go
The Royal Doulton Music Hall
Trip A Little Light Fantastic
Trip A Little Light Fantastic (Reprise)
Turning Turtle
Can You Imagine That?
A Conversation
A Cover Is Not The Book
(Underneath The) Lovely London Sky
Nowhere To Go But Up
The Place Where Lost Things Go
The Royal Doulton Music Hall
Trip A Little Light Fantastic
Trip A Little Light Fantastic (Reprise)
Turning Turtle